quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2007

Excitante mundo dos protestos coreanos

What is your favorite type of South Korean protester?

* Sexy prostitutes
* Those who can resist hoses
* Protesters that drop their pants
* resisting water
* Pig Destroyers
* Shit throwers
* Protesters who eat flags
* Guys that stab themselves
* all of them
* Quran burners
* Protesters covered in bees
* hard core water resistant dude
* Flame Throwers
* Guys who dress like Japanese soldiers and get beaten up
* people who commit Hara-Kiri
* PIss Pants
* Using Bees
* lulz i am teh pwnzor
* the ones who die during the process
* Dummy beheaders
* Finger Cutters
* dog heads
* Aqua Asian
* Bruce D. Meyer
* Add an Answer

View Results:
1º - * the ones who die during the process

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