quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2008

Dica literária

Dedicado aos leitores anglófilos (e pederastas)

Chapter One

I've known I was different ever since I was five years old. For one thing, I had what I guess you could call innocent crushes on boys.

I knew it was wrong; at least that's what I was taught by my family, my church, my friends, my whole world. That was the overwhelming message I kept on getting. How could I ever admit to what everyone else believed was such a bad, even biblically evil thing, especially to my parents and grandparents, who doted so much on me and made me feel like I was a little prince?

I understood in my heart it wasn't wrong to be gay, but I also knew instinctively that I had to play the game in order to live in the world I was born into.

In all honesty it didn't seem much of a problem to me when I was growing up in Mississippi. There were girls around. I even dated a few, but only because that's what everyone else did. I never thought about it, or felt funny doing it. As for dating guys, it never even entered my thinking that such a thing was possible.

At least not in Mississippi...

JURO que não é piada!

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